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Presidents’ Day Art Activities

Presidents’ Day Art Activities

George Washington was born on Feb 22, 1732, and Abraham Lincoln was born on Feb 12, 1809. Since February was such a good month for important American president’s birthdays, the American government decided it would be a great idea to celebrate each year with a National Holiday.

Here’s a fun fact. In 1752 (when George Washington was 20 years old), the people in Britain and the United States changed their calendar. Before then, they used the Julian calendar, and Washington’s birthday was on Feb 11, 1731. After they switched to the Gregorian calendar, his birthday changed to Feb 22, 1732! George Washington decided to keep up with the times and celebrated his birthday based on the new calendar — ask just about any adult, and they’d likely agree to rewind their age a year too.

So observation of this historical day we are sharing some fun Presidents’ Day activities you can do with your students!



We understand that some teachers might be teaching online, so we picked each of these activities to be downloaded and can be taught even over Zoom!

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