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Let's Go On a Field Trip!

Just say the words "We're going on a field trip"and something magical happens in your classroom! Students are buzzing about the upcoming experience, the energy in palpable, and classroom discussions deepen.

For more than ten years we have been providing hundreds of thousands of students from Title I schools access to live dance, music, theater, and museums in Phoenix and Tucson. Arts education can take students beyond the standard classroom environment through active and engaged learning practices and is an essential component of a well-rounded education.

We Bring the Magic!

We want to make educational arts field trips a fun and easy process for teachers.

Field trip registration is ongoing. Please check the website frequently as new opportunities will become available on a rolling basis. Check your email after you apply for trips.

Got a question or concern?

To qualify for the Act One field trip program, a school must fit the following criteria:

✔️ Designated as Title I with at least 40% of students on free and reduced-price lunch.

✔️ Located in Arizona within busing distance of the field trip location (60 miles or less).

✔️ Be a public/charter school that serves students in grades PreK-12.

Please Note: We have EXTREMELY limited access to charter buses. Please use district buses if available. Act One will reimburse the cost of district buses. If charter buses are available, we require a minimum of 30 passengers.

If we are unable to give you an in-person field trip this school year, we will work with you to find other experiences for your class such as our traveling Virtual Reality Arts Immersion™ field trip!

Stay informed!


Changing any of the form inputs will cause the list of events to refresh with the filtered results.

Calendar of Experiences

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The Phoenix Symphony Presents: Symphony for the Schools – Orpheum Theater


The Phoenix Symphony Presents: Symphony for the Schools – Orpheum Theater


The Phoenix Symphony Presents: Symphony for the Schools – Orpheum Theater

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What You Need to Know

Field Trip Process

Learn about how the field trip process works and how you can take students on an educational arts field trip.

Field Trip FAQs

Have questions? We've got answers. Find out more about Act One Field Trips.

Resources for Teachers

Act One provides a variety of resources that help teachers integrate the arts into their school days.

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