Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art

The Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art champions creativity, innovation and the vitality of the visual arts. We seek to build and to educate audiences for modern and contemporary art, as well as to provide opportunities for the artistic community— locally, nationally and internationally. SMoCA provides a memorable experience of art, architecture and design by exploring new curatorial approaches and by highlighting cultural context.
Alt+Shift: A SMoCA Virtual School Program
Use your imagination and creative spark to shift your perspective while exploring contemporary art. Rewind to the past or fast-forward to the future. Peer through a magnifying glass or gaze through a telescope. Examine an object, landscape, or system. Look through another person’s eyes. By imagining difference and considering alternative perspectives, students will put into play skills of critical thinking, adaptability, and empathy-building as they dynamically connect with and respond to contemporary art. Take an imaginative leap and join our learning and engagement specialists on this interactive virtual field trip to Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMoCA).
The program theme for fall (November 2022 – January 2023) is Color, and the program theme for spring (March 2023 – May 2023) is Language.
Length: 40 minutes to 1 hour (flexible)
Best for grades 5–12
Alt+Shift can accommodate up to 50 students. Flexible scheduling is available Tuesday through Thursday. This program can be delivered on a variety of platforms, including Zoom and Google Meet.
To learn more about our museum programs, please visit:
Please contact to make a booking.
Charlotte Quinney, Campus Engagement Coordinator, Scottsdale Arts Learning & Innovation
Telephone: 480-874-4643